Monday, January 21, 2013

An Appreciation for Relaxation

Proper relaxation can help you be more productive and ultimately more successful.

We often think in terms of go, go,go... how much can we accomplish, how much progress can be made, but have you ever stopped to think about the value of having a relaxed mind and body?

No doubt about it, when our mind and our body are relaxed, we are able to concentrate better, be more alert and make better decisions, and maintain the stamina needed to overcome and obstacles in our way.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Multitasking doesn't work. Smart-tasking does.

How to become a super-tasker, a strategic-tasker, a smart-tasker. 

Welcome to the overworked, over stressed, nonstop digital age, where the to-do list is never complete and another distraction is only moments away.

If there was only a way to get everything thing done... to do multiple tasks at the same time...  ahhh, the luring siren song of "multitasking."   Time to find a new strategy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Keep Your Plans Where You Can See Them

When you see your plan in front of you, you are more likely to follow it.
What's your plan?  You know you have one.  And even if you've never formalized an actual life plan, you've kinda sorta had a rough idea of one.

Remember?  You shared the vision of this plan with Jimmy over drinks last night... you mapped out the details while in the shower this morning... you even saw yourself in action while stuck in traffic on your way to get to your day job...  Yep, you've got the whole plan all scripted out inside your head.

But that's a problem, isn't it...

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