Monday, April 22, 2013

What's Done is Done. What are You Going to Do Now?

Anything you've done to get here is in the past -- it's done. The only thing now is to look at the future.

This is a story about the past and the present... A past where we've done things we're not proud of, and a present where we're dealing with the ramifications of those actions; or at least feeling the pangs of guilt.

Regardless of what led you to this point, the realization that you can't go back in time leaves you with only one question -- what are you going to do now?

Friday, April 12, 2013

Celebrate your Efforts and Appreciate How Far You've Come

Throughout the hustle and bustle of your daily life, take time to pause and smile.
The desire to have more in this life... to be bigger, stronger, faster... can be a powerful motivator.  And as we look for the knowledge and experience and sage wisdom to guide us to greatness, we begin to realize that the power to achieve our goals -- to rebuild and create a better future -- not only comes from within, but that it is a worthy and noble pursuit.

 One must always be learning, growing, developing; and there is nothing wrong with wanting to achieve more tomorrow than you have today.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Taking Stock in the Here and Now

Only when you come to terms with the here and now can you can begin to work on your future self.
Dreaming and planning for a better future is an admirable goal, and if you are living a life of personal accountability then you are well on your way to achieving it.

But while focusing on a destination will help you create a path to get there, having an end goal in sight does not matter unless you have a firm understanding of where you currently are.  To get to point B, you need to know where point A is.

Have you taken stock in the here and now of your life?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Keeping the Inner Faith

Whether you find faith in yourself, others or a higher source, stick with it and you'll make it through.
The only thing you can predict about the future with 100% certainty is that time will continue to pass and the world will continue to move forward.  Sure, there are calculated results you can measure and guide your decisions around the most realistic outcomes... but in the end, you'll never really know for sure.

You do what makes the most sense.  You follow a plan that has proven successful in the past.  You do what feels right.

Why?  Because of Inner Faith.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Use a Shot Clock to Improve Decision Making

Set your shot-clock and make a decision before time runs out.
The ability to make smart decisions quickly and eh, decisively, is a valuable skill that can improve all areas of your life.  Not only is decision-making a necessity in this fast-paced world we live in, it can also be empowering and alleviate stress (the stress that comes from delaying a decision!)

So, if the ability to make quick decisions is a skill you need improvement on, there is an easy method you can use to build your decision making power...

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Save your Best Work for when Energy Levels are at their Peak

Determine your peak energy level, and then utilize it as much as possible.

What time of the day do you have the most energy?  When you are at your natural peak?  If you don't know, it's time to get in tune with your body cycle and find out.

Each of us have a different rhythm and must be familiar with the cycles that work best for us.

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