
Are you ready to discover your Inner Sage?
A sage, by definition, is one who is wise through reflection and experience... a mature or venerable person demonstrating wisdom, prudence and good judgment.  

When we live a life that positively reflects our inner calling, and conduct ourselves in a manner that is appreciated and respected by everyone around us, we are being sages over our own existence.

With all the pressures in life it can be easy to feel like a victim of circumstance; that you're being controlled by outside forces; that you must relinquish control of your life; that you are powerless to make your own decisions.   This is simply not true.  You DO have the power to demonstrate wisdom; to act prudent; to make good judgments.  In short, YOU can guide yourself to greatness when you find your Inner Sage.

There are three categories this blog will focus on as we venture down this path of personal growth and development towards become a self-made sage:
  1. Personal Accountability
  2. Continuous Learning and Development
  3. Individual Contributions to Community and Society
Focus on these three areas of your life and you will begin to realize that success really does come from within.  Look inside and you'll see that you do have the power to lead a self-directed, fulfilling life.  That it is upon us as individuals to make our own paths in this world and determine the role that we will play on the world stage.


Commit yourself to taking responsibility for your actions.

Commit yourself to always find and create opportunities for learning new things.

Commit yourself to helping make the world around you a better place.

Make these commitments and set out to live a life that reflects these values, and good things are bound to come your way.  Are you ready to discover your Inner Sage?

Let's get started...

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