Friday, November 23, 2012

Multiple Streams for EVERYTHING in Your Life

Do you have multiple streams flowing in to all areas of your life?
We have all heard about the need to diversify and not put all our eggs in one basket.

There is very sound philosophy in that advice, for it keeps us from creating a life that is overly dependent on one source.

But to be truly effective, we must apply the notion of multiple streams to all areas of our life.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Live with Innocence and Shameless Curiosity

Those who ask the question are often rewarded with the answer.
Are you curious about the world around you?  Likely you are...  but have grown accustomed to asking questions with great care as not to display any signs of ignorance.

You don't want to ask things of others for fear of being ridiculed for asking such "silly" questions; you are hesitant to reveal your ignorance by requesting explanations in greater detail;  you'd rather just tuck away that curiosity and move on to something else rather than risk embarrassment... *sigh*

Well, get over it.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Reading the Street Signs on the Road of Life

The signs are all around you if take time to look for them.
When traveling down the road of life, you'll find street signs at every corner.  Are you paying attention to them?  These are the subtle clues about what direction to take; the advisories that warn you to what lies ahead; the wisdom posted by others who have already traveled down the path you're headed...

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