Saturday, November 3, 2012

Reading the Street Signs on the Road of Life

The signs are all around you if take time to look for them.
When traveling down the road of life, you'll find street signs at every corner.  Are you paying attention to them?  These are the subtle clues about what direction to take; the advisories that warn you to what lies ahead; the wisdom posted by others who have already traveled down the path you're headed...

Too often we get caught in cruise-control... the ride seems nice and pleasant, comfy even, and we glide down the smooth highway of life dancing to the music.

Life may feel good.  Heck, it is good for that moment...  But if you find yourself daydreaming through each day without looking for signs, the short-term pleasure is going to fade fast.

Do you know what lies ahead?   Have you been reading the signs?

It is important to enjoy life and live in the present, but also get in the habit of looking ahead.  The signs will prepare you, if you look for them.  This is effectively living a conscious existence rather than just rolling in neutral.

When you're living with conscious existence, you are prepared for whatever comes your way...

When you're living with conscious existence, you can anticipate and react accordingly...

When you're living with conscious existence, you gain greater control of your life.

And that's really what it is all about, maintaining control of your future and using the signs to guide you accordingly.

Take action now:
Get a small notebook and start writing down interesting "clues" you find each day that might point to something that can improve your life.  It doesn't matter what they are, if they are seemingly unimportant nor even realistic.

The point of this exercise to start paying attention to the signs around you.

Write down at least five things each day.  As time goes by, look back over these items and you'll be surprised at the role they played in shaping your future self.

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