Sunday, September 23, 2012

Get in the Habit of Saying Yes

The doors of opportunity are often opened with a Yes
Are you a "No" person or feel like you're surrounded by "No" people?  If you find yourself hearing or saying No too often, it's time to change your viewpoint and look for more Yes...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

No One else shares Your Vision... and that's OK.

Do others really share the vision you have?  Do they need to?
You have a vision for your life.  You work diligently to guide yourself through a beautiful journey that brings you closer each day to a future destination.  You feel it so strongly that you look to others around you to confirm it, to appreciate it, to support it.

But have you asked yourself if others can really share that vision you have?  They probably don't. After all, they have their own lives to lead, not yours...

...and that's OK.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Pay attention to the Journey AND the Destination

Always stop to enjoy the view, but never lose sight of where you're headed.
Many good-intended people will tell you that life is a journey and not a destination.  They will advise you to "stop and smell the roses," or "carpe diem(!), because life is what happens when you're making other plans."  While this may sound promising to some, a self-made sage intuitively knows that this is only half the story.

The point most people miss with their advice is that all the things you do along your journey should at least point you in the direction of your destination.

They are equally important.

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