Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Get in the Game

Are you ready to get off the sideline and get in the game?
The sidelines can be a fun place to be.  We get to sit on our ass and watch other people do all the work, mostly for our entertainment; and we don't have to think much, let alone break a sweat at all.

Depending on the skill level of those doing the work, aka the "professionals," we often pay big money to watch them perform.  And, when they're done, we go home with a little less money, a little less time, and nothing in our lives really changed.

Now, if we're talking about a baseball or basketball game entertainment, perhaps those factors aren't such a big deal...  But, what if we're talking about life? What if we're talking about your life?

Monday, March 5, 2012

Time Passing by All the Time

Are your steps leading you in the right direction?
In the immortal words of Pink Floyd, most of us are just "ticking away the moments that make up a dull day... waiting for someone or something to show you the way."   Like the title of the song these lyrics appear in, the subject of time is something that is relevant to every living creature and thus something we must always be conscious of.

Your inner sage is calling out for you to realize that time is a precious gift and true worth is measured in how you utilize that  time.  It is the most valuable resource you have.  And while there are numerous methods...

How to Find your Inner Sage

Are you ready to discover your Inner Sage?
A sage, by definition, is one who is wise through reflection and experience... a mature or venerable person demonstrating wisdom, prudence and good judgment.  

When we live a life that positively reflects our inner calling, and conduct ourselves in a manner that is appreciated and respected by everyone around us, we are being sages over our own existence.

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