Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Two Questions: What are You Doing and Why are you Doing it?

The first steps to success begin with knowing what you're doing, and why you're doing it.

If you've every caught yourself wondering where the time went, or why it has taken long to complete a project (assuming, of course, that you've started a project), or why you've been putting off that dream of yours... did you know you can remedy this with a simple solution?

The way to stop losing track of time is to live with conscious awareness of what you are doing at each moment of the day and ensuring that there is a reason for doing it.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Develop the Habit of Commitment by Making More Promises

Embrace commitment and make more promises, and you're on your way to success.

Most people sincerely meet their obligations and fulfill expectations... they're reliable and dedicated and trustworthy.  They get things done and make others happy.  But how many of them are fully committed to those their serving?

Are the tasks they're completing done so with the same focus and energy as they give to promises, or are they going through the motions...

In other words, do the things we do for others carry the weight of a promise?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Be NICE! The Way You Treat Others Really Does Matter

The result of being nice is happiness.
We've all heard the expression that nice guys finish last, but how much truth is there to that cliche?  It really has no place for someone who follows their inner sage and, if we think about it, it's barely relevant for anything more than short-term gains at best.

The golden rule is do unto others as you would have them do to you.  Simple enough, right?  Then why is it not that easy to follow?

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