Saturday, December 22, 2012

Put in 2% Daily Effort to get ahead of 98% of the Crowd

Focusing effort on something for just 2% of the day,
28.8 minutes daily, is more than most others will ever do.
If getting ahead is so difficult, how it can it be that small amounts of time could make a big impact?  The secret is to dedicate that few extra minutes each day to a focused task and then stay consistent with it.

Skills can be developed, knowledge can be learned, money can be earned.  But despite man's greatest attempts to turn back the hands of time, we are all left with only 1220 minutes each day to live out our lives.  Time is the one undeniable equalizer among all those who walk this planet.

But despite the lofty dreams of wealth and prosperity, very few will dedicate even just 28.8 minutes a day towards making those dreams a reality.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Water the Flowers, but also Pull the Weeds

Eliminate the barriers holding you back and you'll reach your destination much faster.
It is important to discover your strengths and nurture them, but while doing so you must be careful not to take your eyes off obstacles getting in the way.

These hurdles can hold you back and until you remove them they will continue to distract from your real objective of building upon strengths.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Take a Subtle Break from the Routine

Take a break from the routine.  Subtle differences make all the difference.
Wake up, go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch tv, go to bed... repeat.

The routine that millions of hard-working adults go through day after day after day.  And it's a habit that can be broken with just a subtle change.

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