Monday, July 30, 2012

Put an End to the Waiting Game

Good or bad, life is happening to you right now.  Get out and make the most of it.
The infamous waiting game.  As much as we all despise it, most of us spend our lives playing it.

We wait for the conditions to be right; 
We wait for something good to happen;
We wait for our life to begin.

Well, it's time to put an end to the waiting game...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reputation is in the Eye of the Beholder

Always remember, your reputation is held in their eyes.
Do you know what others are saying about you?  You should.  One's reputation is incredibly important, and while there are many things that you can and should do to forge a positive reputation, the cold hard fact is that it ultimate comes down to what others think.

Thus, your reputation is held in their eyes.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Cut it Out! Do Less to Accomplish More.

Don't ask "what more do I have to do?" Ask, instead, what you should do less.
When looking for ways to can get ahead or improve one's situation, most people start by think of what they need to add in their life.   "I need experience," "I need new skills," "I need to take a class," "I need to do more of this," or "I need to do that better," are some of the thoughts that run through their heads.

However, this is not always the most effective approach...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Stop Blaming Others, Even if they Deserve Blame

In the end, blaming others drains your energy and leads to nowhere.
Life is imperfect.  People are imperfect.  Chances are, you're a little bit imperfect too.  All we can do is make the best of our lives and deal with the situation we're in.

Thus, a Self-Made Sage knows that no matter who is to blame in any given situation, the future is never going to change unless you live with personal accountability and take your own actions to change.  The reason is because in the end casting blame on others leads you to nowhere.  Blaming others drains your energy.  Blaming others distracts you from your priorities.  Blaming OTHERS does not get YOU to where you ought to be.

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