Saturday, July 21, 2012

Reputation is in the Eye of the Beholder

Always remember, your reputation is held in their eyes.
Do you know what others are saying about you?  You should.  One's reputation is incredibly important, and while there are many things that you can and should do to forge a positive reputation, the cold hard fact is that it ultimate comes down to what others think.

Thus, your reputation is held in their eyes.

This can be a tough pill to swallow.  Because even if you've done everything "right," or even if you've gone out of your way to become someone that everyone likes and appreciates, you still can't fully control how others perceive you to be.

Become a self-made sage is not only about taking personal accountability for your actions, but also in gaining an acute awareness of how those actions affect others.  If you don't know, then ask.  If you've never thought about it from this perspective, then start.  If you need to change, then taking personal accountability and change.

When you have a good reputation with others, doors open.  Opportunities come your way.  And the future gets brighter and brighter.  Yes, you will have to take it upon yourself to seize those moments, but more of them will present themselves if your reputation is rock solid.

Only others can determine how strong your reputation is.  Make it a point to always know where you stand, and if your reputations is not as strong as you'd like it to be, then prepare a course to correct it.

It all begins with awareness.

So I ask you again, do you know what others are saying about you?  Do you know what your reputation is in their eyes?

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