Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Play to Win

In the game of life, are you playing to win?
In the game of life, are you playing to win, or are you just trying to avoid losing?

There's a big difference.

When you're playing to win, you're out seeking new opportunities to score -- whether that's calculated in terms of money, or time, or negotiated leverage, or potential happiness.  In essence, you're looking to improve upon your existing situation.

Contrast that with trying to avoid losing.  Someone who is so afraid to lose... money, time, leverage, happiness... hides away and holds on to everything they can.  The maintain status quo and thrive on the predictability of their lives.  Some of the ways we see this every day from people all around us (and maybe these ring true in your life as well) include:

  • Not looking to change your habits or try something new, because that would involve risk and even a carefully calculated risk venture feels like too much effort;
  • Not asking that person out on a date because you might be rejected, and although here is an equal chance for acceptance and the potential of finding a life-long soul mate, you'd rather not make a move;  or
  • Never launching that great business idea, or applying for that dream job, because it would force you out of your comfort zone and "heck," you say, "it may not even work out anyway."  Or, maybe it would, and that is equally as frightening...
In every example like these, the scenario is the same.  It's trying to avoid losing... it's not playing to win.  That may be a very simple change in perspective, but a profoundly important one.

To be clear, when attempting to win for yourself, you're not out to hurt others or make anyone else lose... in fact, a self-made sage knows the best way to improve oneself is to help others... but rather you've examined where you're at in your life and are determined to find ways of getting better. You've decided you want more and you're committed to achieving it.

So the advice is simple:  Always play to win, however you define it.

Look for an opening and make a move.  If that falls short, look for a new opportunity and try again.  If you're told you're not qualified, ask for feedback and learn from it.  If you're told you're not the best in the marketplace, study your competitors and discover their secrets.  If you're not happy with your current situation, find ways to improve upon it.

Play to win and become the winner you were always meant to be.

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