Saturday, June 16, 2012

Time is on Your Side

Are you fighting time, or embracing it?
Time.  The thing mankind has tried to take control of, tried to manage, tried to travel through and tried to stop, for all of eternity.  Time is the one thing everyone in this world has, and the one thing most feel there's not enough of it.  No matter what you do, no matter what you say, no matter where you go, no matter how you face it, time is always there.  Time is always there doing the thing it does best... moving forward.

So how does a Self-Made Sage embrace time?   Well, you can try to resist it, or you can embrace and go along with it.  Here's how...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Add a Chief Health Officer to Your Team

Who do you have looking out for your health?
Most people know exactly how much money they have left in their bank account, yet have no idea what their health status is.  At best they go for an annual doctor checkup and "hope for the best."  At worst the get dragged to the hospital only when completely sick, or never go at all.

Is that your health strategy?

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