Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Nothing Gets Done by Clock Watching

Tick tock tick tock.  Worrying about the clock will not help you get things done any faster.
There are many good strategies you can take towards accomplishing your goals.  You could treat each one like a mini project, strategizing how to manage each step; you could use imagery and visualize success, actively creating a picture of your future self; or you could simply rely on a handy to-do list and just tackle tasks as they come.

No matter the choice, you will notice a common theme in all these methods in that they are based upon giving conscious thought to your goals and figuring out the actions needed to achieve them...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Take a Rest to Increase Your Productivity

Work, work, work.  In order to get the most output, we need to commit to working 60, 70, 80 hours a week, right?  At least that's the perception... Or perhaps, misperception!

Despite the fact that most successful people will tell you it takes more than four hours a week to truly make progress in your goals, they often will leave out the part about rest and relaxation.  Interestingly enough, there are countless scientific studies that prove you are more alert, better prepared, and overall more productive, when you take time to rest...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Taking Action for a Desired Reaction

Are you taking positive action in your life?
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."  This statement, derived from Newton's third physical law of motion, poignantly describes the result that occurs when one body exerts a force that causes an action from something else nearby.  It basically says that if you take action (any type of action), something around you will change.

Think about that for a moment...

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