Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Scripting the Movie of Your Life

Share your Movie of Me with the world!
The story of one's life can be inspirational, motivational, insightful, meaningful, or educational.  It can be touching or thought-provoking.  Their story draws you in, and it's easy to become engaged in the arc of their lives and witness the evolution they go through.  Most times you not only learn something, but you leave thinking about how you can apply that learning to your own life.

Enter the term "autobiography" in google and you'll find 67.2 million search results...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Improve Yourself by Helping Others

When you help others improve, you improve yourself at the same time.
Want to know the #1 strategy to improving yourself?  Here's a hint: it has nothing to do with placing attention on yourself at all.  The top approach is actually to focus on making others better.  That's correct, focus on helping other people is the key to your own personal success.

As a self-made sage, you know that you have the power to control your actions and positively influence your surroundings.  By turning your focus towards helping others become better, you put yourself in a position to become better yourself as well.  Here are some examples of the results you achieve when you focus on making others better:

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